Accuplacer Next Generation Help & Information Page

On this page, we will give you Accuplacer Next Generation information and help to get ready for the exam.

We tell you about the format of the exam and offer advice to help you raise your exam score.

Accuplacer Information- Exam Format

The Accuplacer Next Generation contains five parts.

One of the parts covers writing skills, one part covers reading, and and three parts that cover math.

The examination contains the following five parts.

The amount of questions in each part are given after the links.

Accuplacer Next Generation Reading

Sample Reading Test

There are 20 reading questions on literary, paired, and discrete passages.

You will have 4 questions on a pair of informational passages.

There will be 4 questions on a literary passage.

The reading test will have 12 more questions on individual passages or vocabulary.

Accuplacer Next Generation Writing

Writing Questions

There are 25 correction-type questions on literary non-fiction and informational essays.

The writing test has 5 draft essays in long passages.

There will be 5 questions on correcting the grammatical and stylistic mistakes in each essay.

Accuplacer Next Generation Arithmetic

Arithmetic Test

The arithmetic section has 20 questions.

It covers basic operations, decimals, percentages, fractions, mixed numbers, estimating, place value, remainders, and inequalities.

Accuplacer Next Generation Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra & Statistics

Practice Questions

This part of the exam has 20 questions.

You will need to know how to interpret graphical information, perform intermediate algebra calculations, and calculate mean, median, mode and range.

Accuplacer Next Generation Advanced Algebra and Functions

Sample Problems

There are 20 advanced questions on concepts such as quadratics, graphics, and working with functions.

Please click on the link above for sample questions.

Which parts do I need?

You may need to take all of the test or just some of the parts.

Inquire at your college's testing and placement office if you are unsure about which parts of the examination you need to take.

Accuplacer Next Generation Help & Advice

First of all, remember that the Accuplacer Next Generation exam is a computer-adaptive test.

This means that the questions on the examination are automatically adjusted to your skill level.

So, the computer software will choose the difficulty level of your questions based on your success rate on previous problems for each section of the test.

The test is not timed, so relax, slow down, and think about each response carefully.

Take Your Time and Choose Answers Carefully!

Careful consideration of your answers is important.

That is because once you have chosen an answer, you can't change your mind and go back to previous questions.

Also remember that if you answer several questions incorrectly, the software will automatically begin to give you easier questions.

If you answer mostly easy questions, you will earn fewer points overall.

Accuplacer Help for the Day of Your Test

You usually will need to make an appointment in advance to take your Accuplacer Next Generation exam.

When you report to your college or university to take the Accuplacer Next Generation test, you must have photo identification with you.

Remember that you cannot use calculators or dictionaries during the test.

In addition, you are not allowed to bring your own paper or any kind of books or notes into the examination room.

You can bring your own pens and pencils.

Scratch paper will be provided for you.

Your college or university may also ask you to take an essay assessment as part of the test.

If you would like additional tips on how to improve your performance on the day of your test, please click on the links in the next section.

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